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ALDEN BRYAN, A.W.S., born in Missouri and educated in economics at Harvard, settled in Jeffersonville, Vermont in 1940. While summering on Cape Ann, Bryan learned of the allure of Northern Vermont from others in the Rocky Neck Artist Colony. One trip to Jeffersonville to paint with Charles Curtis Allen was enough to convince Bryan that the attraction could last a lifetime.

As a painter, Bryan's forte was plein air oil painting, which he pursued on-site in twenty-six countries over a span of sixty years. He painted in watercolor for only a brief but intense period, painting the same scenes in watercolor and in oil, and earning membership in the American Watercolor Society before setting the medium aside.


Lower Valley Road

Lower Valley Road


Yellow House, 20x30

Following the death of his wife, the artist Mary Bryan, Alden Bryan founded the Mary Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville, Vermont in her memory, featuring the work of artists who came to paint in the area. He remained the director of the gallery until his death, at which time it was re-named the Bryan Memorial Gallery as a tribute to both Alden and Mary. The gallery continues to this day, a non-profit arts institution devoted to the preservation and exhibition of New England landscape painting.

The Landscape Painting Wagon

Alden Bryan designed and built this innovative mobile studio for painting outdoors in the harsh Vermont winters. It features a pot belly stove & large windows to view the scenery to be painted. Stop by Visions of Vermont to take a peek inside!

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